Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trip to Cabo - Thursday, February 12, 2009

We left the house at 4:30am, driving down to LA to catch our 12:50pm flight at LAX. We got our car parked at the off site lot and arrived in the terminal with plenty of time to spare. We were worried that we wouldn’t have enough time, so we packed all of our stuff for our Cabo portion of the trip into two back packs.

We arrived at our Time Share in San Jose del Cabo (Cabo Azul) [https://www.monarchgrandvacations.com/ResortDetails.aspx?ResortID=9&ResortContentID=83] at ~7pm. It was late, but warm. We put our things in the room and decided to walk somewhere to dinner. We walked about a mile down the road and found the local Mega, which is like a WalMart, and a small shopping center attached to it, where we found a McDonalds. Yes, that’s right, we ate at McDonalds our first night. Where I found that they don’t have Diet Coke in Mexico (gasp!). Coke Zero is *nothing* like Diet Coke, by the way.

After dinner we cruised through the grocery portion of the Mega and picked up some breakfast stuff (cereal) and some sodas. Again, no Diet Coke, but I tried a Coca-Cola Light. Hedging my bets I also picked up some Fresca, which I know I like and some grapefruit flavored water, which was terrific.

We trudged back to the Time Share and enjoyed our room...discovering that Coca-Cola Light is *not* Diet Coke...yuk!

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