Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cabo: Sunday, February 15, 2009

We had another breakfast date, in Cabo San Lucas (Villa del Palmar[http://www.villagroupresorts.com/resorts/villa-del-palmar-los-cabos/] & Villa del Arco [http://www.villadelarcocabo.com/]), we were due to be there at 9am. We sat through their schpeil, had a free massage on them, went to lunch, again on them and then headed to the marina for a glass bottom boat & snorkel tour.

We decided to get to the marina via the beach, then caught a water cab to the company (Cabo Zaida[alas they are not web-savvy]) that was providing the snorkeling. Alas we arrived too late to snorkel that day, so went on a cruise of the bay that they provided. It was much more in depth than the sunset cruise. We really ‘got in there’ because we were in a little boat. The pictures, I think, are pretty good. The ones of us were not so good.

We got back to the marina while it was still daylight, so we finished walking the marina. Eric received some unusual offers (four of them by my count), and then we headed back to the time share. We dined by the side of the pool at the restaurant. So relaxing! We then spent some time in the hot tub.

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