Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cabo: Monday, February 16, 2009 - Last Day in Mexico

We woke up, packed our stuff and checked out by 10am, leaving our bags at the main desk until we needed to head back to the airport (we needed to be on our way about 2pm). We decided to explore San Jose Del Cabo on foot. It was a nice jaunt into town. We shopped a bit, although I found the prices to be higher than Cabo San Lucas in most instances, and had a nice quiet "traditional Mexican" breakfast (I don't think they know what that means...every "traditional Mexican breakfast" we had included bacon, eggs, potatoes, and then varied from there), then headed back to the resort to be on our way to the airport.

Mexican airports are much different than American ones. Our bags were thoroughly searched before we checked them on our flight. We almost had a problem getting back home because I thought I’d lost the return voucher from customs. Luckily I found it after a few minutes...too many pockets in my briefcase. I know better for next time, keep it in the envelope with all of the other travel papers. *sigh*

Once we got our things checked, we headed up the stairs, where our carry-ons were thoroughly searched, again. At the top of the stairs was a final check (an x-ray machine) that we needed to put all of our things through, and a metal detector for us. We were finally at our gate and got to wait for our flight.

The flight was uneventful and we got to California a bit ahead of schedule, which was a nice change. We stayed at a Super 8 near the airport (definitely nothing to talk about, but cheap, which is always good) and walked over to a local Mexican Restaurant for dinner. Surprise surprise, Eric didn’t get enough Mex food.

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