Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anaheim: Thursday, February 19, 2009 - TORY'S 16TH BIRTHDAY!

Today is Tory's 16th Birthday and she's in Spain. *snif* I tried calling her, left a voice mail on her calling card and sent an email, but was unable to reach her. I hope she's having a great time!

The park was crowded! It still wasn’t as bad as it was at New Years, but there were a lot more bodies, and longer lines. It was also HOT! Temperatures were in the low 80’s, but when you’re wearing jeans and a thick shirt, it’s hot! Eric was wearing shorts, so he doesn’t think it was as hot as I did.

We managed to go on the new Finding Nemo ride. I vaguely remember, maybe going on the submarine ride when I was really little, so this was a fairly new experience for me. We waited 45 minutes to get on it. The seats on it were so small, we figure they didn’t upgrade those since the 70’s. The ride itself was rather hum-drum, with the first part probably a duplicate of the original ride, and the second part in a cave with holographic (or projected) images from Finding Nemo. Neat for a one time thing, probably never need to go on it again...unless it’s something that Tory wants to go on when we bring her back this summer.

Next we headed to Peter Pan’s Flight...and lo and behold we found the smallest line for that ride since we’d arrived, so we jumped on in. We waited perhaps 20 minutes. I just love that ride. It’s so ... original.

We then hit a few of our favorite rides (Big Thunder Mountain Rail Road, The Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones & the Temple of the Forbidden Eye) before heading out of the park.

That night we had dinner at Outback Steak House & it was very relaxing as we prepared for home.

Anaheim: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I want this fairie dress for the next Mid-Summer's Night Feast...Dame Bri, can you make it? :)

We had four free tickets to Knotts Berry Farm, so Eric and I decided to use two of them while we were there. We’d never been to Knotts, so thought we’d check it out before taking Tory. Because it wasn’t a prime time of year, the place was practically deserted, with many rides not in operation. It was quite disappointing. We did go on one kind of neat little roller coaster, called the Pony Express, which Eric liked. The best part of it was the way they seat you. I can see huge lines there during the summer, as it’s a very short ride, with getting into the seats taking longer than the ride itself. Definitely not something that could be put into Disneyland or Magic Mountain. ;)

We left Knotts at 2pm and then headed back to Disneyland. Thank goodness we had season passes. Disney was much busier this day, because there was no rain.

Anaheim: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We headed over to get the information for our free accommodations Tuesday morning. We were in luck and stayed at the Travelodge on Harbor about a mile down the street from Disney. We couldn’t check in until 2pm, but managed to get them to let us park there until we checked in, so we could just walk to Disneyland and not incur parking. We had dinner reservations at the Blue Bayou, which was a first for both of us.

Disney was a lot more crowded than we expected, but a big difference from when we were there in January, so we weren’t complaining. The weather was kind of poopy, with frequent rain. We loved it because it kept the big crowds down. We were able to get fast passes for both Indy and Space Mountain with ½ hour waits. We’d grab the fast pass, get in line, ride the ride and then get back in line with our fast passes and go again.

We also went on Small World because I’d read something recently where they had changed the ride, adding in the Disney characters from the movies. There’s a lot of controversy about whether it’s just a way for Disney to market it’s product, or for the betterment of the ride. We thought it was very well done. The characters were placed in the appropriate regions, and were done in the old style, like the original ride (with round heads).

Dining at the Blue Bayou was an experience...an expensive one. A bit more than we thought we were going to pay, but definitely a once in a life time experience. Because we were on our honeymoon, they put us at a table right up against the water and included a chocolate mousse for free. The wait service was superb.

Getting out of the Blue Bayou it was kind of late, so we went one final time on Pirates of the Caribbean and then snuck out of the park before Fantasmic finished. ;)

Cabo: Friday, February 13, 2009, cont'd.

See, I told you I was a dork... :) Photos from our 'sunset cruise'

Cabo: Thursday, February 12, 2009, Cont'd

Okay, I'm a complete dork...I didn't figure out how to post the photos in time to add these to the beginning of our trip. These are the photos from our first night, getting acquainted with our room. They are all taken from inside of our room. Isn't the view terrific?