Monday, March 22, 2010

January 2010

  • As indicated in last month’s blog, we started out with a bang…between going to Detta’s to ring in the New Year and then hitting Riverdance on the First, we had a terrific start!
  • Unfortunately Eric was laid off from the cement plant on the 2nd, so that was a bummer, but he really needed to get a rest after all of the hours he put in. It took quite a while for him to recover from his laryngitis.
  • Eric and I attended Tory’s school talent show, as Tory and her friend Willa were playing their guitars and singing a song that Willa had written (entitled ‘February’). They sounded fantastic however they didn’t make it into the top four.
  • We had some friends over the second weekend of the month for our non-profits property repair. That went pretty well fortunately we never have a lot of things that need to be fixed.
  • On the 16th I had the pleasure of assisting with Deborah’s baby shower. It turned out great… The food was terrific and everyone seemed to have a good time. Deborah and Wil made out. I think they’re all set now.
  • I finally got Tory in to see a pediatric orthopedic surgeon right before the new year. He prescribed physical therapy (PT) for her shoulder, and thus we spent the majority of the month commuting back and forth to the PT’s in Saratoga. She went three times a week most weeks.
  • Tory’s boyfriend, Justin, broke up with her three days before the Winter Formal. We encouraged her to go even so. She went with her friend, Thomas, and they seemed to have a great time. With no pressure.
  • Tory worked on the run crew for the school play (As Bees in Honey Drown), working for her ex-boyfriend, who was the director.
  • Of note, we went on a tour of CSUMB (Cal State Monterey Bay) at the end of the month. It will be a perfect school for Tory. We’ve got our fingers crossed. The campus is smaller (about the size of golden gate park), they’re still developing their sports teams (right now they have a girls water polo team, but no swim or dive teams). The dorms seem great, they have a policy of no alcohol in rooms that have folk under 21 in them. To keep from pressuring folk they even have dorms that are ‘clean’ no smoking or anything else. If you have problems with your room mate you just say so and they’ll move you. Can’t get much better than that. She won’t even need a car. There’s a target about a mile from the campus, and regular bus service into Monterey. If you catch the bus from campus to campus (there’s a community college in Monterey) it’s free. Seems too good to be true.

This is the program from The Talent Show

Photos from Winter Formal:

Campus Map: CSUMonterey Bay

Wil & Deb's Baby Shower

This is the program from As Bees in Honey Drown

Photos from Detta's New Years Eve Party

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