Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 2009

  • This month has started out slow. I completed some chapter summaries for my book club, which pretty much drained me.
  • The first Saturday of the month was very busy. Tory and I did some much needed shopping (including stopping by Laurie's costume sale) and then headed to Marine World (Discovery Kingdom...blech) with a carload that afternoon. We picked up Orion and Gavin and then Tory's boyfriend, Justin to join us. It was very cold there. According to the car it was 55 when we got there, and 42 when we left. Marine World doesn't open in December until 3pm, closing at 10pm. We got there at 3 and left at 9. Justin didn't bring more than a hooded sweatshirt, and froze to death. Thank goodness my car has a terrific heater.
  • The following Saturday was our renaissance groups 'Yule Ball'. For more information, including photos, please see:
  • Following the Yule Ball, Detta and I shared a room, with Tory and her friends in another at Hotel Metropolis in downtown SF. The rooms were small but decadantly furnished (the beds had multiple pillows with down comforters that rustled as you moved). Very posh!
  • I had my traditional Ladies Christmas Lunch. Our numbers were down from years past, but quality rather than quantity I always say!
  • Eric is continuing to work at the cement factory in Moss Landing. He's working lots of over time (including double time) and seven days a week! He was made a foreman, which was really nice! Of course we don't see a lot of him, but the money makes up for it. It'll help out when he's not working after the first of the year.
  • This year we moved the caroling back a day to accommodate some of our friends, and we ended up with a very poor turn out. Next year we're back to Friday before Christmas. :) Hopefully more of our friends will be able to join us that way.
  • Christmas was spent at home with some of our closest friends (Patty, Orion, His Grace, Kieran, Robin, Anthony, Anne & Detta) stopping by. We had a huge dinner (Ham, Pork Florentine, Roast Beast, Lamb, Baked Potatoes, Rolls, Salad & Corn), with pies (pumpkin & cherry) for dessert. We spent a terrific afternoon and evening with everyone. The best part was that Eric had the day off (as well as Christmas Eve).
  • The following week was a blur. Tory and I spent a lot of time doing things, but I can't remember everything we did! Eric developed laryngitis and came home from work on Sunday, and spent Monday at home as well. Wednesday Gwen & Laurie came to stay with us. We took them with us to Marine World for the last time of the season. Laurie is still one inch too short! She was pretty bummed and wouldn't be consoled with the 'baby' rides (her word). We spent a few hours there...until they kicked us out. :)
  • New Years Eve was also a blur. Laurie & Gwen joined us for breakfast before heading home. Then Tory and I tore around doing errands before heading to Detta's for New Years. Eric had to work a 14 hour shift, so he got to stay home. We had a great time and headed back on New Years morning, to prep for our tickets to see Riverdance in San Jose. Patty and Eric joined us for the performance...with Patty picking up dinner at Paolo's before the performance. It was absolutely terrific...the food, the company, and especially the show!

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