Thursday, August 6, 2009

June 2009

June started out great! Eric got a job working in Monterey at the Presidio after being off forever. Good thing, too, because unemployment was long gone.

  • Tory starred as Cherry in her school play, the Outsiders. She was fabulous and got an “A” in Drama for her effort. In attendance were Patty, Anne, her boyfriend James & his mom, Janet. I don't have photos, but do have video, just trying to get Youtube to accept it. :)
  • While Tory, Doxie & Stellie stayed with Patty, Eric and I went to Truckee for a school event at Alder Creek Middle School (hosted by the hostess with the mostest, Sandy Horn).

  • We then headed to South Lake Tahoe, where we stayed at the Camp Richardson Resort in the camper, for the Valhalla Renaissance Faire []. Joining us were: Cullen & Gwen; Grace & Brian; Philip & Katie, and briefly Teague, Cailin, Katherine & Franz. While we were there we participated with the Valhalla Fellowship, as we have for the last three years. They’re like our other family. Cousins maybe, you know, the ones you really like, but never get to see. J

    Eric and Cullen headed back Sunday night as they both needed to work on Monday. Brian, Grace, Philip & Katie all headed home on Monday, leaving Gwen and I alone to fend for ourselves, with the camper.

    Gwen and I walked into ‘town’ on Monday, a nice hike (I don’t even recall how far it was now, I just know it wore both of us out), had lunch at McDonald’s, shopped a bit and then headed back to camp. We passed un uneventful night, with Gwen showing her prowess to the fire gods, and left the next morning. Good thing we got an early start, as we ended up blowing a tire on the trailer just north of Placerville on 50. The tire proved difficult to change, as we were parking at an incline on the side of the road (making it difficult to get a jack under the trailer properly) and the tires were probably original to the trailer (circa 1977) as the bolts were not moving easily. After an hour and a half, help from a Cal Works guy, a good Samaritan and finally AAA, we were back on the road. Everyone made it home safe and sound.
  • On June 10th, our good friend Deb found out that she is expecting, the first child for both her and her husband! The baby is due late February! We’re all so excited!

  • Tory finished off her Junior year of high school...fairly uneventfully.

  • And lastly, we attended Scottish Renaissance Festival [] in Santa Cruz with our Renaissance group.

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