Thursday, August 6, 2009

April 2009

Some highlights from April:

We attended a Renaissance Faire in Visalia (Tulare County Renaissance Faire), here are two photos, one of the event and one of the beautiful sunset on the way home. For more information, check the blog at

We had a training for our Renaissance thing [see] if interested in more information. Here are some photos from that:


  • Eric installed irrigation & grass in the backyard at the house. It's gorgeous!
  • Tory received her first 'First Place' in a dive meet on April 8th!
  • We had an Easter barbeque for our friends on April 12th. The following folk were in attendance: Patty; Kieran, Robin, Kieran's Mom & Anthony; Elspeth, Dirk, Evie & Barda; Killian; Orion; Fyonna; Tory's friend Laura; Tory's boyfriend James & his family, Derek, Janet & Jeff. We had an Easter Egg hunt in the back yard, which the teenagers thought was pretty fun (it was Anthony's first time & he said it was cool).
    Here are some photos from Easter!

Doxie, 8 years old!

The infamous 'lamb cake' ;)

Robin wearing Anthony's 'prize'

Barda & Daddy

Tory & her prize

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