Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 2010

More Prom photos, courtesy: Wil Mandac

  • The month started out with Eric's 48th Birthday. We celebrated it quietly at home.

  • Tory had dive finals at Los Altos High School on the 4th and scored First Place for Junior Varsity Girls and Fourth Place overall for the meet. Excellent end to her high school sports career. Now if only we could find her a college with a dive program.

  • We did a pair of school events for our guild, as well as a faire and a picnic. Details can be found at
  • Tory attended Prom with her friend Jason. They went on a dinner cruise of the SF Bay.
Queen Bess & The Pyrates, Fresno, CA 5/15 & 5/16

DeLuna Farm Community Event, Brentwood, CA 5/8

  • Coming up on my 40th birthday I went out on a limb and reinvented myself. I had a hair cut, perm and a treatment at simply beautiful new you ( I don’t know if it helped my attitude, but it was definitely an experience.

  • We hosted an ‘unbirthday party’ for our friends who had birthdays in the months of May & June at Benihana’s in Cupertino. Patty gave me a beautiful set of claddaugh earrings. Here are some photos:
Unbirthday Party, Benihana's Cupertino, CA 5/22

We sold the pop-up trailer. Yay!

  • Doxie and Stellie went to the vet and were both declared healthy. I received a quote from the vet to remove the weird-o moles that Doxie has on her back and neck. Not pretty. We’re looking at just north of $700. Fortunately the vet didn’t think they were anything to worry about.
  • We took a trip down south to Porterville to visit with June. Eric had started back up at the Moss Landing Power Plant the Thursday before on a short term assignment working 12 hour swing/grave shifts, so he did not accompany us. Tory and I spent a relaxing two days (when Doxie wasn't driving us insane with the squeeky toy) with June and Petey.